
2024 | Juniper Fuse II  (Nagual dream bodies)

Commissioned by Peter Bruun

2 microtonal prepared pianos, 2 percussion offices and soprano saxophone.

Written for Lotte Anker, Simon Toldam, Matt Choboter, Peter Bruun, Matias Seibæk.

2023 |  And Then There Were The Sounds Of Birds

Commissioned and premiered by the CPH Organ Sound Art Festival .

For two dancers, live & pre-recorded church organ, chamber organ, percussion, inside piano and sound installation. 

2022 |  Anamnesis (Part I-IV)

Commissioned by L’autre Ensemble. Premiered at 2022 L’autre festival in Châlon (FR).

Violin, pic. Trumpet, alto + tenor saxophone, piano, harmonium, synthesizer, electronics, tuba, double bass, drums

2022 |  Juniper Fuse

2 microtonal prepared pianos, 2 percussion offices and soprano saxophone.

Written for Lotte Anker, Simon Toldam, Matt Choboter, Peter Bruun, Matias Seibæk.

Releasing in February 2024. 

2021 |  Buried language

Music for saxophone trio, microtonal prepared piano and percussion

Written for Calum Builder, Miguel Crozzoli, Michal Biel, Jan Kadereit, Matt Choboter

Releasing in spring 2024

2021 |  Beware the Social hypnosis

Commissioned by Matias Seibæk 

For percussion and de-tuned prepared piano pre-recordings (vibraphone, crotales, tai gongs, tam-tam

Supported by Danish State Funding and Premiered at the  Vendsyssel Festival (Aarhus, DK)

2021 |  Postcards of Nostalgia

Music for microtonal prepared piano, electronics, re-amping

Releasing in June 2023 for ILK Music.

Supported by KODA Kultur (DK)

2021 |  Locusts & Honey

Music for alto saxophone, piano

Calum Builder, Matt Choboter

Releasing in October 2023. 

2020  |  Sleep Inertia

Hypnopompia Ensemble

clarinet & electronics, guitar & electronics, piano & preparations & drone collages, bass. guitar & double bass & electronics, drum set.

For Songlines Recordings

Supported by Canada Arts Council (CAN)

2020  |  Anima Revisited

Hypnagogia Ensemble 

clarinet, bass Clarinet, prepared piano, sound design and keyboard, vibraphone & percussion, extended drum set. 

For ILK Music

Supported by KODA Kultur (DK)

2018 |  Spillimacheen

trumpet, el. guitar & effects, piano, double-bass, drums

For Inner Circle Music (New York)

2016  |  Samskaras

trumpet, alto saxophone, piano, double bass, drums

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